The CDC updates its monkeypox guidance to include dogs
· Aug 15, 2022 ·

I, uh, really don't have words for this one:

According to medical journal The Lancet, on June 10, 2022, two men went to Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, in Paris, France, with the men complaining of anal ulcerations and rashes that had spread.

The Lancet describes the couple as "non-exclusive," and says that patient one is a 44-year-old Latona man with HIV, while the second patient is a 27-year-old white man who is HIV-negative.


12 days after the men were diagnosed, their 4-year-old male Italian greyhound began presenting symptoms, including "mucocutaneous lesions, abdomen pustules and a thin anal ulceration."


The men said that they had been co-sleeping with their dog, but noted that they had been careful to keep their dog away from contact with other pets or humans following the onset of the pair's symptoms, 13 days before the dog began presenting these symptoms.

Lord have mercy.

The case had caused the CDC to update its guidance around the virus to include dogs.

Alright, I want to believe this was just a freak chance of transmission. I really do. And I know y'all want to believe the same.

But I also have a basic understanding of the depths of depravity that lives in every human heart, so I'm gonna go sanitize my brain with some Romans 1.

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