Congressional Democrat is calling for gender equality ... in crash-test dummies ๐Ÿ’€
ยท Jun 4, 2021 ยท

Today in "no this is not satire, yes this is real," we have a brave social justice warrior congressional Democrat named Eleanor Holmes Norton who is valiantly striving for gender equality ... in crash-test dummies.

"Women have achieved equality on the road when it comes to driving but when it comes to safety testing to keep them safe on the road, they are nowhere near achieving equality," Norton said.

This lady is actually introducing a bill "to require gender equality in crash-test dummies" and I can see from that look on your face that you don't believe me so here it is from Norton's official government website:


What does this lady think, the people in charge of crashing cars for research just never thought that they should study the female half of the population? Is she insane?

That last question is rhetorical...

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