WATCH: Congressional delegate Stacey Plaskett has one heck of a take on why the DOJ exists
· Sep 26, 2024 ·

This is a bat-poop crazy take right here.

Stacey Plaskett is a non-voting (praise the Lord) delegate from the Virgin Islands to U.S. Congress. And she is literally insane.

What is the point of this subcommittee? Because it's necessary for the public and the media to hear, to try and provide cover for the eradication of the Department of Justice and the FBI. We are having these hearings so that you become immune ... to the notion of the removal of the FBI and DoJ.

It's not like Americans are near an all-time low in trust for their government. It's a conspiracy!

It's not like the FBI censored important information regarding the 2020 election that they knew was true (Hunter's laptop), or pressured social media to silence Americans for wrongthink, or that the DOJ has been weaponized to go after right-wingers.

In fact, Plaskett thinks it's not only extremist to stop paying government agents who actively attack the American people, but that the purpose of the FBI/DOJ is to ... attack the American people.

... to serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice impeached, convicted felon, former president, and would-be dictator Donald Trump.

You know what? Now that I see what YOU think the DoJ and the FBI are for ... yeah, let's go ahead and burn it all down.

Let me assure you, Plaskett isn't alone in this mindset. And if people like her get her way, the rest of us will have our faces stepped on by the government boot ... forever.

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