Remember Wanda Geter-Pataky, the Bridgeport Democrat who was caught stuffing ballot boxes in the middle of the night?
It turns out Geter-Pataky also works as a justice of the peace.
After she was put on leave and eventually fired for the ballot-stuffing charges, she allegedly found another way to stuff the ballot boxes via her justice of the peace role. She started conducting green-card marriages to secure a path to citizenship.
Independent journalists first uncovered the suspected activity and started an investigation. The following video shows Geter-Pataky busily conducting 15 simultaneous weddings at the New Haven City Hall:
NBC investigated further and found that just in the month of October 2024, Geter-Pataky conducted 114 weddings in New Haven over a 30-day period.
Most licenses show one applicant per couple was born outside the U.S. and doesn't have a social security number, indications they might not be U.S. citizens.
That's a lot of green-card marriages.

Only a few of them were from Connecticut, much less New Haven.
Connecticut Republicans are calling for the state attorney general, Democrat William Tong, to investigate what's happening with the marriages.
'We're simply asking the attorney general's office to do what they do in many cases and investigate whether there's illegal activity occurring,' Sen. Stephen Harding (R-Minority Leader) said.
But Tong says he can do nothing about criminal immigration laws. Besides, he's busy trying to stop the Trump administration from deporting illegal immigrants currently living in Connecticut.
The Democratic mayor of New Haven, Justin Elicker, has implemented a two-day waiting period on marriage applications to try to stem the tide of green-card marriages but has no intention of doing more than that.
The city doesn't have a role in determining why two people are tying the knot.
We're not the love police, we're not trying to determine if they're actually in love, if it's a legitimate marriage, or if there's something else going on.
One might be tempted to think that Geter-Pataky will stop the green-card marriages when she goes to prison for the ballot-stuffing charges, but those were only civil charges brought by the city of Bridgeport to have her removed from her job.
Criminal charges are the responsibility of Attorney General Wong, and like I said, he's pretty busy ensuring all the illegal stuff keeps happening in Connecticut.
The best hope is that a U.S. attorney might investigate, given that it's a possible immigration crime.
Trump can't return to office soon enough.

Shout out to NTB users @quodscripsi and @mrsswanson for the heads up about this story.
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