Courage: Riley Gaines says enough to the trans war on women

It may just be that someday in the future, as our daughters and granddaughters recount the actions of courageous women whose efforts forever changed the trajectory of our culture for the positive, the name Riley Gaines may surface alongside the greats.

If you haven't yet heard of Ms. Gaines, you should, because in an era where so many social, political, corporate, and even religious leaders are petrified to stand up to those who would permanently erase the distinctness and grandeur of femininity, Gaines is unafraid. At a time when the grifters and swindlers who run feminist forums, publish feminist podcasts, and write feminist books were too cowardly to risk social ostracism and a loss of revenue by resisting what is textbook sexism, Gaines willingly fills the void.

Hamilton Porter had the story last week here on Not the Bee, of Gaines' testimony at Capitol Hill's celebration of National Girls and Women's Sports Day. But wait, there's more.

Though the pre-Elon Musk Twitter censors deleted her account for simply stating the scientific fact there were only two sexes (remember that pre-Musk, science took a back seat to ideology on the platform), Gaines never stopped advocating for the generation of girls and women athletes coming after her. And in this 3-minute speech, the champion swimmer lays waste to the institutions and organizations that give women lip-service, but fail them when it matters.

Take the time to watch the entire thing:


But specifically, consider four key moments in these brief remarks. First, this:

1. We've watched on the side of the pool as Thomas won a national title in the 500-yard freestyle, beating out the most impressive and accomplished female athletes in the country, including Olympians and American record holders. Whereas just the year before Thomas' best was ranking in the four hundreds in the men's category.

It's not that I think too many people in positions of influence are interested in this anymore, but pause and consider the implications of her observation. A male was capable of ranking somewhere around 400th among the top distance swimmers in the country when he was competing against other men. Later, when he chose to race against female competitors, he ranked first. Not even female Olympians and female American record holders could compete with this the same athlete who ranked 400th among men.

So it demands an answer from those promoting and defending this transgender intrusion: is there any substantive difference between the male and female body that gives biological males a distinct physiological and physical advantage over biological females? If no, then explain how Thomas went from being ranked in the 400s of men to beating women Olympians and record holders. But if yes, then permitting biological males to participate against females is a distinct, specific, and obvious violation of Title IX, and every school and organization (including the NCAA) that has permitted or continues to permit it should be held legally and financially liable.

2. My feelings didn't matter. What mattered to the NCAA are the feelings of the biological male.

This cannot be overstated – all those who regularly tweet, talk, and tongue-wag about the uneven power dynamics between men and women in society, about how it's a "man's world," about how the patriarchy must be dismantled, about the odious and obvious realities of male privilege, if they remain silent about what has happened to Riley and her fellow female athletes, they have exposed themselves as frauds.

After all, here is an actual case of "the patriarchy" literally attempting to erase the identity of women by convincing the world that men can be women (and therefore proving there is nothing distinct or special about womanhood), and these voices suddenly go still? Anyone who would do so is not a feminist or women's advocate. They are posers.

3. The NCAA forced female swimmers to share a locker room with Thomas, a 6'4, 22-year-old male who was fully intact with male genitalia. Let me be clear, we were not forewarned, we we're not asked for our consent, and we did not give our consent… some of us have felt uncomfortable, awkward, embarrassed and even traumatized by this experience.

No more "believe all women," no more "#MeToo," no more Brett Kavanaugh-style conniptions, no more handwringing over the "male gaze," none of that for those who do not call out this sick and depraved injustice foisted upon young women in the godless, Orwellian name of "inclusion."

4. These poor 9th and 17th place finishers who missed out on being named an All-American by one place. And I can attest to the extreme discomfort in the locker room when you turn around and there's a male watching you undress while exposing himself.

For the better part of a decade, we've watched the transgender movement hijack the verbiage that proved so successful for lesbian, gay, and bisexual activists:

  • "It doesn't affect your life, so why does it matter?"
  • "This doesn't hurt anyone, so why should you care?"
  • "This is a personal matter that doesn't impact anyone else."

Those 9th and 17th place finishers, those permanently scarred female athletes, they have now effectively laid those false claims to rest.

Those who continue to perpetuate the transgender crusade do so at the expense of not just the integrity of women's sports, like Riley Gaines so articulately described, but the integrity of womanhood itself.

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Not the Bee or any of its affiliates.

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