Report: Covid deaths in Canada nearly doubled in 2022 and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to say why I think it happened
· Jan 31, 2023 ·

Hello my fellow conspiracy theorists, glad to see you're still alive somehow. I've come here to tell you about an interesting phenomenon happening up in Canada where Covid deaths are on the rise despite that country's 85% vaccination rate.

It's, uhh, kinda scary:

So this is interesting. Why would Covid deaths, in a country where 85% of citizens are protected by the latest and greatest vaccine, fighting off a less deadly version of the virus, see such an increase in Covid deaths?

In 2020, the total Covid deaths reported to the Public Health Agency Canada by provinces and territories was 9,225.

In 2021, as vaccines became accessible to Canadians between January and July, Covid deaths didn't decrease over the year. Instead, the figure slightly increased to 9,934.

And, in 2022, with an approximately 85% vaccinated population in January and a less deadly Covid variant dominant, Covid deaths increased again.

Over 2022, Health Canada data shows 15,844 deaths occurred due to Covid – almost double the number of deaths in 2020 when citizens were "unprotected."

So that's 19,225 Covid deaths between 2020 and 2021, and a whopping 15,844 in 2022 alone.

45% of Canada's Covid deaths happened in 2022, a year where 85% of the nation was "vaccinated."

Seriously, is this only a topic for conspiracy theorists still or are we finally going to admit that something just isn't right with these vaccines, government reporting, the consequences of lockdowns, or all of the above?

I'm not trying to be funny or sarcastic or anything like that.

I'm just curious.

More from this story:

Data suggested that the Delta variant was more contagious than the previously dominant Alpha, but less deadly. Furthermore, research indicates the Omicron variant – which became dominant in 2022 – is even less lethal than the Delta.

As previously reported by The Counter Signal, Canada's 2022 excess deaths trajectory is on pace to shatter the total from 2021 – and obliterate that from 2020.

Excess deaths is the term that indicates whether a region had more or fewer deaths than expected, given demographics and historical trends. The figure helps calculate the true impact of a health crisis.

Health Canada data indicates 13,940 excess deaths took place in 2022 up to August 27.

By this same period in 2021, the total excess deaths was 10,406. In 2020, the total was 8,057.

In other words, as the percentage of Canadians "vaccinated" against Covid increased, so too did the excess death total and the Covid deaths.

Seriously, what's going on here?

Because I'm old enough to remember when the trucker convoy rode through Canada because they didn't want to take this mandatory vaccine and then everyone in mainstream media vilified them for it (brought to you by Pfizer).

Perhaps the truckers were right all along.

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