"Enough is enough!"
Those are the forceful words of a frustrated police chief who has finally had it with his city and its judicial system not processing criminals and leaving them on the street.
During the uptick in crime, things have been particularly bad in Washington DC, as noted by DC Police Chief Robert Contee. This was brought to light nationally with the shooting that took place at the Washington Nationals game a few nights ago.
Watch both of these clips and see Robert Contee call out the city and criticize their lack of willingness to deal with the extreme law and order problem facing his community.
"We want to help people, yes we should. But you cannot coddle violent criminals! YOU CANNOT! You cannot treat violent criminals who are out here making communities unsafe for you, for your loved ones, for me, for my loved ones - they might now want a job! They might not! They might not need services. What they may require is to be off of our streets because they're making it unsafe for us."

Holy cow! Does Chief Contee ever drop the hammer! He totally roasts the "fewer police, more social services" push being made by anti-cop lefties these days. He makes it 100% clear that the problem is simply too many violent criminals allowed to stay out on the streets.
"(I'm out here) watching families suffer when they don't have to because we are putting violent criminals, allowing them to be back out in the community. That's unacceptable."

The Daily Caller's article further quotes the chief, and this where stuff really gets good.
"We can take the political route and talk all of this fluffy stuff, but I'm going to give it to you straight, where the issues are.
"The justice system that we have right now, it is not functioning the way that it should. The courts are not open. That is a fact. Barely open. So cases from last year, from 2020 that happened during COVID, violent criminals, they have not been disposed of, what do you think those individuals are?"
I mean! Totally going after the ridiculously bad court system, the laughably awful city with all this violence and murder, and what do they do? Ban menthol cigarettes? That'll help these systemic problems for sure.
Contee simply has had enough. He's tired of being thrown under the bus, tired of dealing with an awful system, and tired of politicians facilitating a rise in crime in Washington DC. Good on him for exposing the failing policies of this liberal city.