Remember back when prisoners were collecting Covid stimulus money? Well, apparently it wasn't enough for these two inmates in California who successfully collected $270,000 of Covid-19 related unemployment money by stealing the identities of their fellow prisoners.
Conveniently, they're already in prison, and presuming they're proven guilty, they won't be leaving any time soon. They did have an accomplice on the outside involved in the scheme, who has since been arrested.

The three are being charged with conspiracy to commit mail fraud and aggravated identity theft. Each of them could face up to 20 (additional) years in prison and a $250,000 fine...which one of them could afford with that $270,000 they stole, and still have some change leftover!
According to Axios, up to half of the unemployment money doled out during the pandemic may have been stolen, much of it ending up in the hands of foreign crime syndicates. To that amazing statistic I say: