We live in the greatest, and also worst, moment of human history:
No, really, this actually happened. Look at that tweet from the ultra woke TMZ.
On one hand, the outlet uses Lovato's preferred pronoun of "they" instead of the factually correct "she," but then criticizes her for wanting to rename aliens from outer space for #Tolerance and #Inclusion.
You can't make it up!
Here's what the music star said when talking with Australian outlet PEDESTRIAN.tv about her new UFO series called "Unidentified":
While talking shop on their [sic] E.T. project, they [sic] said this ... "I really think that if there was anything out there that would want to do that to us, it would have happened by now. But, I think that we have to stop calling them aliens because aliens is a derogatory term for anything." DL adds, "That's why I like to call them ETs! So yeah, that's a little tidbit. A little information that I learned."

I know I'm not supposed to do this in the #CurrentYear, but let me mansplain something for a moment, Demi.
The term "alien" comes from the Latin alienus, meaning "of another, foreign, or strange." It has meant "from another country" since the 1400s, all the way up until five minutes ago when the lefties said it was mean to use that term.
Its earliest use for possible life beyond Earth was in the 1920s.
So sorry, Ms. Lovato, but I think you're a little confused.
Then again, you like to refer to yourself in the plural now, so what should we expect?
Here's the trailer for Ms. Lovato's new series, in case you want to watch weird Hollywood types run around shining flashlights at stuff!
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