Loudoun County father who became the face of "domestic extremism" says his daughter was raped in a bathroom by a boy wearing a skirt and the school covered it up

Joel Abbott

Oct 12, 2021

This is the tale of Scott Smith, the man who has become the poster boy for "domestic extremism" after he was arrested at a Loudon County school board meeting.

Here are the details:

On June 22, Scott Smith was arrested at a Loudoun County, Virginia, school board meeting, a meeting that was ultimately deemed an "unlawful assembly" after many attendees vocally opposed a policy on transgender students.

What people did not know is that weeks prior on May 28, Smith says, a boy allegedly wearing a skirt entered a girls' bathroom at nearby Stone Bridge High School, where he sexually assaulted Smith's ninth-grade daughter.

I'm going to warn you, the next part is very difficult to read, especially if you have daughters like I do.

Juvenile records are sealed, but Smith's attorney Elizabeth Lancaster told The Daily Wire that a boy was charged with two counts of forcible sodomy, one count of anal sodomy, and one count of forcible fellatio, related to an incident that day at that school.

When the school informed Scott, they called the police, not because of the actual rape (which they were planning to investigate themselves without getting law enforcement involved), but because Scott was making a scene.

You know, like any righteously angry father on the face of the planet would be.

On May 28, Stone Bridge High School called Smith to come to the school, where they told him that his 15-year-old daughter had just been physically assaulted in a bathroom by a male, Smith says. When he arrived, he determined that what had happened was not a case of his daughter being beaten up: It was far more serious.

The school said it was handling the incident in-house. Smith was dumbfounded.

Deputies from the sheriff's office ultimately responded to the school – not to investigate the alleged rape of a child, Smith said, but because school administrators called them on him for making a scene about it.

Smith acknowledges he did make a scene and says any father would have done the same in the situation. "I went nuts. I called the principal a p—-," he said. "Six cop cars showed up like a f—ing SWAT team" to respond to the school's complaint about an assertive parent, he said.

"Thank God that I drew enough attention to it, without getting arrested, that we got an escort to the hospital and they administered a rape kit that night," Smith said. A SANE exam and buccal swab, his lawyer said, later came back favorable to the prosecution's case.

Police records show that a 15-year-old boy was finally charged on October 6 with sexually assaulting ANOTHER student at the school, though the details of the records are sealed for the moment.

All juvenile court records are sealed. The sheriff's office declined to release records relating to Smith to The Daily Wire but, in response to a public records request, confirmed that a report with "Offense: Forcible Sodomy [and] Sexual Battery" matching that date and location exists.

The Daily Wire has confirmed through investigative reporting, however, that the name of the teen who was charged in the second case is the same as the one Scott's daughter has accused.

A government official told The Daily Wire the name of the student. It was the same name as the boy who allegedly assaulted Smith's daughter.

The Daily Wire is withholding the name of the suspect because of his age. Reached at home, his mother declined to comment on the allegations.

Instead of admitting that a crime had taken place when the alleged incident happened in May, the school sent out an email painting Scott as the villain when he was understandably upset at the news they had given him.

It read:

Good evening Stone Bridge families this [sic] is Stone Bridge Principal Tim Flynn. There was an incident in the main office area today that required the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office to dispatch deputies to Stone Bridge. The incident was confined to the main office and the entrance area to the school. There was no threat to the safety of the student body. The incident was witnessed by a small number of students who were meeting with staff adjacent to the main office. Counseling services and the services of our Unified Mental Health Team are available for any student who may need to talk about today's incident. Students might have noticed Sheriff's Office personnel on campus and I wanted to let you know that something out of the ordinary happened at school today. The safety of our students and staff is the top priority of Loudoun County Public Schools.

Yes, safety is the first priority, unless that means that the twisted sexual ideology we are teaching our children leads a 15-year-old boy in a dress to violently rape a girl in a bathroom.

In that case, the official narrative of tolerance and inclusion and the mighty rainbow flag must be protected at all costs!

On June 22, Scott was arrested at a school board meeting, where he had joined a room full of other parents opposing the extreme transgender and mask policies of the district (which has become known across the nation in recent months for its ideological insanity).

At the meeting, a woman named Jackie Schworm told Scott that his daughter was lying about the rape, and also that she was personally going to try to ruin his plumbing business on social media because she believed he was on the wRoNg siDe oF hiStOrY.

Schworm is a far left activist who, according to The Daily Wire, regularly posts on a far-left "anti-racist" parent group that made headlines a few months ago for suggesting that a list should be made of parents who oppose Critical Race Theory.

Then a woman wearing a rainbow heart shirt – a left-wing community activist – told Smith she did not believe his daughter, he says. His rage reached a boil and he had a heated exchange of words with the woman. A police officer, there to keep the peace in the meeting, pulled on his arm. Smith yanked it away. Before he knew it, Smith says, he was hit in the face, handcuffed, and dragged across the floor, with his pants pulled down. Images of the incident were splashed on televisions and newspapers across the world.

As Scott was being arrested, his wife Jess (who had mentored Schworm's daughter in the Girl Scouts) yelled this in the chaos:

"My child was raped at school, and this is what happens!"

Here's video of the moment:

All that happened was a heated exchange, but Scott had the book thrown at him by a leftist prosecutor who was elected on the principle of reducing incarceration (and, of course, she was given lots of campaign money by gremlin mastermind George Soros).

[Scott's attorney Elizabeth] Lancaster explained in court that her client was angry after his daughter was sexually assaulted in a bathroom by a person identifying as "gender fluid" and reminded her that prosecutors had substantiated the assault and chosen to bring charges. But [Buta] Biberaj sought jail time against Smith.

"It is incredibly unusual for a disorderly conduct case to even go forward. The idea that they would actually be seeking jail time, I'd guess in my 15 years the number of times I've seen that happen would be zero," Lancaster told The Daily Wire. "It would be completely unheard of for the prosecutor to handle a misdemeanor."

Biberaj was not just the top prosecutor. She was the prosecutor who espoused a radical commitment to not jailing people for minor crimes and avoiding criminal convictions altogether when possible.

But when Smith crossed the far-left by holding an opposing opinion on a school policy affecting his daughter, there was no "believe all women." There was no appeal for tolerance and inclusivity for Smith's viewpoint. His case brought no outrage about police kneeling on men saying "I can't breathe." And a strict law-and-order approach triumphed over leniency.

Scott had to place fencing around his house to keep the media out. They had no idea who he is or what actually happened, but he was the poster boy of "white patriarchal oppression" and "domestic extremism." He was the rallying point for the federal government's new policy of investigating parents who disagree with graphic sexual ideology and other woke religious teachings in their kids' schools.

The irony is that Scott is a rural Virginian who didn't care much for politics one way or another until recently.

But to the Left, he is basically an evil white supremacist who wants to stop the glorious ascension of woke utopia.

To them, it doesn't matter if the accusations are true. If Scott's daughter was indeed raped in the girl's bathroom by a "gender fluid" teen in a dress, they don't care.

What matters is questioning their religious faith and doctrine.

If you really want to know which side is the "right" side of history, here you go. It doesn't get much more evil than this.

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