Candace Owens starches Dem candidate who replied to her message about black-on-black crime with a KKK hood
· Mar 23, 2021 ·

Conservative commentator Candace Owens posted this message about black-on-black crime and BLM on Monday:

And this is how a Californian Democratic candidate named Liam O'Mara responded:

Take that in for a moment. Really think about it. Let's take the political affiliation out of this for a moment. A black woman posted a factual statement regarding black-on-black crime and followed that up with her perspective on the sOciAl jUsTiCe movement in America.

This guy then replied with a picture of a KKK hood:

In many such cases, a the story might have been buried. Leftists have a history of making racist statements against black conservatives and treating them as subhuman while they laud their moral superiority.

Candace Owens, however, is not a person who goes quietly into the night:

Candace also called for Twitter to review the tweet, and because it's Candace, she might even get the woke staff of the company to comply with their own rules for a change.

Update: Candace said Twitter didn't think the tweet was a violation of their rules, so she posted Twitter's response for everyone suing the platform over bias:

If you're going to be a woke racist, don't mess with Candace.

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