Here's a clip showing how the oBjEcTiVe media differs in their border coverage under Biden vs. Trump
· Mar 23, 2021 ·

Could the American media complex be a bigger joke?

I transcribed the bulk of this nonsense for your reading pleasure. Take a gander at the difference in coverage.


"The images suggest those of concentration camps."

"Lady Liberty, I think, is weeping right now."

"He will be forever remembered as the president who traumatized little children."

"Donald Trump is increasingly turning this nation into Nazi Germany."

"I call this a concentration camp for kids."

"Babies in jail..."

"Babies in cages..."

"Children are being marched away to showers... just like the Nazis."

"We begin this afternoon with the wails of children."


"There's no denying that this is an incredibly complex humanitarian issue that's made even more difficult by the fact that we're dealing with this in the midst of a pandemic."

"A lot of these children are part of a problem inherited from the Trump administration."

"The system is broken inside of the country."

"Obviously, this is a problem that the Biden administration inherited from the Trump administration."

"Challenges facing U.S. border control amid this migrant surge..."

"A very, very tough situation the Biden administration now needs to contend with..."

But here's my favorite for Biden:

"You have a lot of border agents – you know, the union was very pro-Trump – who are now starting to just leak out videos anonymously, which can be very dangerous, where we don't know where things are coming from."

Dangerous for WHOM???

For the kids being kept in these conditions by the Biden administration?

Or for Biden and the establishment media?

I think we all know the answer.

Make sure to show this to a friend or family member who hasn't yet been red-pilled on how absurd and propagandistic the media is.

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