Democrats, including some Biden administration officials, are reportedly so concerned about Vice President Kamala Harris' missteps that they don't believe she could beat a Republican in 2024 if she were to be the nominee — even if her opponent was former President Trump.
Democrats close to the White House told Axios they're concerned about Harris' mishandling of politically sensitive issues and "political tone deafness," the outlet reported Friday.
The vice president was widely panned by the right for her monthslong refusal to visit the southern border after she was designated to run point on the migrant surge.
One liberal operative told Axios that most Democrats aren't saying, "'Oh, no, our heir apparent is f---ing up, what are we gonna do?" but instead think "Oh, she's f---ing up, maybe she shouldn't be the heir apparent.'"
Live shot of the Democrat Party:

Oh man. Chickens coming home to roost.
Who woulda thought, a politician who was chosen to be VP despite the fact that she couldn't even get to first base in the Democratic primaries because she's basically the worst politician who's ever lived might not be able to hack it in a real presidential race!
Imagine being the Dems right now. Joe Biden will be like 184 years old if he chooses to run for re-election and if Dems choose him to be their guy in 2024 (I don't see that happening) and the OBVIOUS frontrunner is Kamala, the first "African American" VP in history ... but she's so bad at her job that insiders are saying things like "Oh, she's f---ing up, maybe she shouldn't be the heir apparent."
She can't hack it. She's not game.
The Democrats messed up choosing Kamala. I think they're going to pay for it in 2024. They seem to think so too.
Here's the full Axios article. You should read it.