Members of New York's Executive Mansion staff are reporting that Cuomo's dog, Captain, is still residing at the Governor's Mansion...a week after the Governor has moved out.

Maybe he couldn't bear to tell Captain why they had to move.
According to the Times Union,
Two State Police sources told the Times Union on Saturday that the governor had recently asked mansion staff members if anyone would be interested in caring for the dog.
Cuomo's spokesman, Richard Azzopardi, vehemently denied the claims saying that the former governor only asked for someone to watch his dog while he was on vacation, and didn't try to give the dog away.
But this isn't the first denial coming out of Cuomo's mouthpiece. Remember how those other denials went for him?

The State Police source contradicted Azzopardi, saying that Cuomo had tried giving the dog to a mansion employee, but the arrangement didn't work out. According to the Times Union,
The source, in an interview on Saturday, also said the dog had nipped at "several State Police members" as well as staff members, "and the governor would just laugh. ... The dog remains at the mansion."
Anyone in the market for a large, unruly dog? I think I can connect you with a seller...