WATCH: Trump talks about being asked to be House Speaker: โ€œWe'll do whatever's best for the country and for the Republican Party" ๐Ÿ‘€
ยท Oct 4, 2023 ยท

Coming out of a New York City courtroom where the former president is battling one of many witch hunts, Donald Trump was asked about the rumors that he is being asked to replace Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House.

Here's President Trump's answer:

A lot of people have been calling me about Speaker. All I can say is I will do whatever is best for the country and for the Republican Party. We have some great, great people...

A lot of people have asked (if I'll take the job as speaker) me about that... My focus is totally (on the election). If I can help them during the process, I would do it. But we've got some great people.

Yeah... that doesn't sound to me like he's gonna do it.

It would have been the funniest thing possible!!

But, I guess when you're running for president and battling indictments from the entire establishment all at once, you don't have time to do everything you're asked to do.


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