Drunk Milwaukee teen breaks into Airbnb full of cops in middle of night, wakes up in handcuffs
· Jun 2, 2021 · NottheBee.com

Man, I can't tell if this is really bad luck or possibly the best luck this kid could've come by:

Yup, these officers were in town from Montana for some police training, and got themselves what looks to be a decently cheap Airbnb in Milwaukee.

They were sound asleep and then this 19-year-old kid just casually breaks into the house around 2:30 in the morning.

One of the officers "heard some crashing around upstairs" but thought nothing of it, assuming it was one of his boys. So they continued to sleep—soon followed by their guest, who was in over his head in Jägermeister.

In the morning the boys in blue (they weren't actually wearing blue at the time) noticed a door was open, and that they'd been sleeping in a home that had been broken into. I'm sure some adrenaline kicked in at this point, and they searched the home.

Lo and behold, there he was, upstairs, our 19-year-old lightweight...PASSED OUT ON A BED.

And when he woke up he was in handcuffs.

Also, he didn't know where he was.

Or how he got there.

So the boys from Montana passed him on to Milwaukee PD.

And honestly, he's lucky it was these guys and they knew how to handle a situation like this. Can you imagine finding this in your home?

Here's a video the officers made the morning of the break in:


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