No matter what students bring to future "show and tells" at Orchard Junior School in the Southampton area of England, they will never be able to top this year's spectacle that shut down and evacuated the school.
One bonkers little tyke brought in a bit of vintage "unexploded ordnance" to show his mates.
The school quickly evacuated all the students, called the police, and texted the parents:
Schools are being closed & evacuated - please collect your child from Noadswood field ASAP.
Imagine getting that little note in the middle of the school day.
Laura Holloway, a mother of one of the students was at work at the time. She said,
It was so worrying. Another parent had called saying there were police everywhere. I knew my youngest would have been so scared.
But, she added:
Both schools seemed to deal with it all very well and had the kids lined up and checked off - it must have been very upsetting for everyone involved.
Once the students were out, the police showed up and sent in the bomb squad.
The police's full statement said: ‘We were called at about 1.30pm to a report that a child had brought what may have been a potentially unexploded ordnance to Orchard Junior School.
‘The school was calmly evacuated and a disposal team attended to take the item away to be destroyed as a precaution.'
Not an easy task by any means.

The real question everyone wants to know is "What kind of ‘historic incendiary device' are we talking about here?"
This is England after all. They've been blowing stuff up and getting blown up for centuries.
It could've been anything from a 16th-century mortar to a WWII hand grenade to that morning's beans on toast.

P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇