Elon Musk just reinstated Project Veritas to Twitter 🙌
· Nov 20, 2022 · NottheBee.com

UPDATE: 8:51 p.m.

Project Veritas thanked Elon with this message after being reinstated to Twitter:

Original Story:

Goodness, it's like Avengers: Endgame out here where everyone is coming back to life and assembling to take down the censors.



Project Veritas is one of the absolute few outfits doing real investigative journalism these days. They've been banned from Twitter since February 2021, after they ran an exposé on Guy Rosen, Facebook's VP of Integrity.

You might not agree with them politically, but they are exposing corruption daily.

Hopefully, Elon removes the banhammer from the personal accounts of the Project Veritas team:

I'll leave you with a wise thought from Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon, who responded to some unhinged thoughts about freedom of speech from famous atheist Sam Harris:

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