House Committee finds collusion between corporations and advertisers to reduce the reach of conservative voices on social media … Elon says he’ll sue the advertisers
· Jul 11, 2024 ·

Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee released a document detailing how certain advertising groups used their power to influence what is and is not allowed on certain social media platforms.

Here's the important part of the summary:

In exercising oversight of the adequacy and sufficiency of existing U.S. antitrust laws, the Committee has been investigating apparent collusion within the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) and specifically its Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) initiative. Through GARM, large corporations, advertising agencies, and industry associations participated in boycotts and other coordinated action to demonetize platforms, podcasts, news outlets, and other content deemed disfavored by GARM and its members. This collusion can have the effect of eliminating a variety of content and viewpoints available to consumers.

Yeah, it's an organized advertiser boycott designed to pressure online platforms to de-platform or decrease traffic to certain disagreeable accounts.

GARM specifically targeted Elon Musk and Joe Rogan because they were seen as dangerous and extreme. Elon, just for being Elon, and Rogan because he questioned The Science™ on Covid-19.

According to one GARM member, GARM recommended that its members 'stop all paid advertisement' on Twitter in response to Mr. Musk's acquisition of the company. GARM's internal documents show that GARM was asked by a member to 'arrange a meeting and hear more about [GARM's] perspectives about the Twitter situation and a possible boycott from many companies.' GARM also held 'extensive debriefing and discussion around Elon Musks' [sic] takeover of Twitter,' providing ample opportunity for the boycott to be organized. GARM bragged about 'taking on Elon Musk' and '[s]ince then [Twitter was] 80% below revenue forecasts[.]'

This is nuts!

They simply hated Elon, so members attempted to use their cartel to try to tank Twitter and punish Elon.

Needless to say, Elon Musk did not take too kindly to this.

That's not all. check out this video from Ben Shapiro's appearance in congress yesterday.

GARM targets conservatives, and says things like "misgendering" violate their safety policies. So if you call Rachel Levine "Man of the Year," or you run a platform like X that allows people to name Rachel Levine "Man of the Year," you can be boycotted by one of the largest advertising groups in the world.

So Mr. Musk has responded further:

Expect the attacks on Elon to skyrocket as this lawsuit gets underway.

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