Politico reports that Obama was "in touch" with George Clooney and "didn't object" to his op-ed demanding Biden drop out
· Jul 11, 2024 · NottheBee.com

This is absolutely wild drama in the Democratic Party and I am HERE for it!

Politico reported Thursday morning that George Clooney's op-ed in The New York Times yesterday calling for President Biden to step down was given the green light by none other than Barrack Obama himself.

Two of the Democratic Party's most powerful and popular personalities have assumed quiet, behind-the scenes roles as elements of the party maneuver to push President Joe Biden out of his faltering reelection bid.

They include former President Barack Obama, who was in touch with Hollywood icon and Democratic donor George Clooney before the actor published his buzzy and brutal NYT op-ed Wednesday calling on Biden to step aside as the presumptive nominee ...

While Obama did not encourage or advise Clooney to say what he said, he also didn't object to it, people familiar with their exchange said. The lack of pushback came despite the former president stepping out as one of the first big voices defending Biden following his abysmal debate performance last month — and as many of Obama's former aides have emerged as some of the incumbent's biggest critics.

This is all just fascinating!

Obama read and "didn't object" to Clooney's brutal op-ed. Obama's former lackeys are those who are the strongest anti-Biden voices in the Democrat Party right now, and many have theorized that the former president is the one behind this whisper campaign to dump Joe.

Including MSNBC's Morning Joe:

The Biden Campaign and many Democratic officials do believe that Barack Obama is quietly working behind the scenes to orchestrate this.

This is simply the best!

The Democrats are in the worst situation they've been in since Clinton in the Oval, and they appear to be working a coup to oust the man who won the primary because he's obviously going to lose in the general!

Get ya' popcorn ready, folks!

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