Elon Musk challenges Johnny Depp to a cage fight after Depp threat
· Jul 29, 2020 · NottheBee.com

Elon Musk has jokingly challenged Johny Depp to a cage fight today in response to Depp's alleged texts threatening to "slice" off Elon's "d–k". The texts had been sent in response to a rumored three-way love affair with Depp's now ex-wife Amber Heard and her friend Cara Delevingne.

"If Johnny wants a cage fight, just let me know," Musk told The New York Times. He also added, "We did not have the threesome, you know. So I think people think these things are generally more salacious than they are."

A potential cage match and threats of dismemberment between Jack Sparrow and a billionaire space mogul? What a time to be alive.

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