Apparently, there's still a show called Saturday Night Live and it decided it wanted to make itself even more of a laughingstock:
Can you imagine cast members of a national show getting to take the night off if a leftist public figure was too "triggering?"
Elon Musk isn't an alt-right ideologue or sociopolitical orator. He's a cool dude who builds spaceships and bulletproof trucks and puts computer chips in monkey brains. His official titles are "Technoking" and "Imperator of Mars," but sometimes he is the "Lord of Memes" on the side.
But since he doesn't adhere to the religion of wokeism, he must be disdained and rejected.
Here was one of SNL's cast members (Bowen Yang) replying to Elon's announcement that he'd be hosting:
Writer Andrew Dismukes took aim at Musk as well, saying "Only CEO I want to do a sketch with is Cher-E Oteri," referring to former SNL member Cheri Oteri.
Another cast member (Aidy Bryant) and a writer (Sudi Green) both shared a Bernie quote attacking rich peeps in response:
Fortunately, these comrades won't be forced to interact with a human they don't like – you know, the thing normal humans have to do on a daily basis. Instead, an anonymous person told the New York Post that SNL has a policy allowing cast members to opt out.
"Speaking historically, if a cast member has been that unhappy, they don't have to do it. [‘SNL' boss Lorne Michaels] won't ever make them do anything they don't want to do."
Gotta love how tolerant the woke are!
In the meantime, Elon has dubbed himself "The Dogefather" and this might be the only episode of SNL I've been interested in since 2010.