Elon Musk says "The media is racist against whites and Asians" in response to "Dilbert" creator being canceled
· Feb 26, 2023 · NottheBee.com

"Dilbert" cartoonist Scott Adams has caused a firestorm online after comments he made in reaction to a poll about race relations between whites and blacks in America.

The poll said that nearly half of black respondents either disagreed with or were unsure whether or not they agreed with the statement, "It's OK to be white."

In response to that shocking poll, Adams called black people a "hate group" and advised white people to "stay the f--- away" from black people.

The corporate media has made it a top story, and news outlets across the country are dropping the "Dilbert" comic strip in response.

Enter Elon Musk, who replied to the kerfuffle by calling the media racist:

He then went on to expound on this statement by specifying that the media used to be racist against non-whites, and is now racist toward whites and Asians:

One final reply further clarified Musk's thoughts:

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