Did you watch the Emmy's? Of course you didn't.
Award shows are such an odd part of modern culture that we all kind of just tolerate these days.
It's the time when the people who are already rich and famous throw a huge party to celebrate which of them became more rich and famous this year, and then for some reason broadcast it to all of the poors.
It's the time when people who live lavish lifestyles preach at everyone else to conserve.
And, apparently, it's the time when the Woke Hollywood Elites make everyone uncomfortable with their racist jokes.
Just watch it. So awkward:
Let's break this down:
We start with an awkward non-hug:
At first, I thought this was some social distancing thing. But if that were the case, they're clearly not following social distancing protocol throughout the rest of the gig:
No masks, either.
So what was that awkward non-hug about then?
Well, Anthony Anderson indicates that it's because he just doesn't like white people, as you see when he commands Jimmy to clap and nod like a good virtue-signaling, guilt-laden white liberal:
Has my performative clapping canceled my white privilege yet?
He then goofs a punchline before using several stereotypes to describe how black the Emmys would have been if COVID hadn't happened, and then begins to close with an awkward "Black Lives Matter" chant, which he demands Jimmy join in:
Is this my penance for doing The Man Show?
Still not satisfied, Anthony demands Jimmy chant louder:
Not once, but twice:
You can see in his eyes that he's trying so hard to muster enthusiasm, but it's just not in him.
"Say it so that Mike Pence can hear it!" Anthony yells, which is such an odd individual to target. Not the mayors or police chiefs of Chicago or Minneapolis or Baltimore. Not the rioters who've destroyed black businesses or screamed obscenities at black police officers. Mike "Probably-Tries-To-Resuscitate-The-Bee-That-Stung-Him" Pence?

Yes, perhaps in the hands of more talented comedians or a live audience, this might have been mildly funny. But instead, we got to see more race-baiting while a performative white liberal clapped like a seal on command and half-heartedly repeats the woke mantra being spoon-fed to him.
Oh well, I'm sure he'll find some healthy way to cope with being degraded like that...