Last week, it was revealed that actress Ellie Kemper has a "racist past" by once being dubbed the "queen" of an annual St. Louis ball started 143 years ago in part by a former Confederate soldier:
Here's the facts: The ball has never been associated with the KKK, it started as an event to draw attention away from Chicago in the 1800s, it got rid of its race-based participation requirements in 1979, and Ellie Kemper is not a racist.
Here's a photo:
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The Woke Monster, however, is continually seeking victims to devour, and does so by stirring up controversy and making people repent for sins they didn't actually commit!
Unfortunately, "The Office" alum decided she was going to apologize to said monster by saying the event she had attended more than 20 years ago "had an unquestionably racist, sexist, and elitist past" and that she acknowledges that she is "the beneficiary of a system" of white supremacy because of the color of her skin.
Here was her full statement:
Hey guys - when I was 19 years old, I decided to participate in a debutante ball in my hometown. The century-old organization that hosted the debutante ball had an unquestionably racist, sexist, and elitist past. I was not aware of this history at that time, but ignorance is no excuse. I was old enough to have educated myself before getting involved.
I unequivocally deplore, denounce, and reject white supremacy. At the same time, I acknowledge that because of my race and my privilege, I am the beneficiary of a system that has dispensed unequal justice and unequal rewards.
There is a very natural temptation, when you become the subject of internet criticism, to tell yourself that your detractors are getting it all wrong. But at some point last week, I realized that a lot of the forces behind the criticism are forces that I've spent my life supporting and agreeing with.
I believe strongly in the values of kindness, integrity, and inclusiveness. I try to live my life in accordance with these values. If my experience is an indication that organizations and institutions with pasts that fall short of these beliefs should be held to account, then I have to see this experience in a positive light.
I want to apologize to the people I've disappointed, and I promise that moving forward I will listen, continue to educate myself, and use my privilege in support of the better society I think we're capable of becoming. Thanks for reading this.
Sadly, none of this will make us a better society because the whole shebang is based on lies and divisiveness.
I'll let Samuel Sey explain:
Here's what she should have said to this woke stupidity: