You will eat the bugs, and you will like it!
European dining in the past:

European dining in the future:

From that linked document:
On 24 July 2019, the company Cricket One Co. Ltd (‘the applicant') submitted an application to the Commission for an authorisation in accordance with Article 10(1) of Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 to place Acheta domesticus (house cricket) partially defatted powder on the Union market as a novel food.
"Partially defatted [cricket] powder."
The reptiles down at my local pet store are gonna be so excited.
The application requested for partially defatted powder obtained from whole Acheta domesticus (house cricket) to be used in multigrain bread and rolls, crackers and breadsticks, cereal bars, dry pre-mixes for baked products, biscuits, dry stuffed and non-stuffed pasta-based products, sauces, processed potato products, legume- and vegetable- based dishes, pizza, pasta-based products, whey powder, meat analogues, soups and soup concentrates or powders, maize flour-based snacks, beer-like beverages, chocolate confectionary, nuts and oilseeds, snacks other than chips, and meat preparations, intended for the general population.
Translation: They are putting this stuff in EVERYTHING.
There's no real studies on the health effects (including allergies) of eating cricket powder, by the way. The elites just really want you to stop eating beef and chicken so they've decided you're gonna eat it or else.
In order to address the Authority's recommendation, the Commission is currently exploring the ways to carry out the necessary research on the allergenicity of Acheta domesticus. Until the data generated by the research is assessed by the Authority, and considering that, to date, evidence directly linking the consumption of Acheta domesticus to cases of primary sensitisation and allergies is inconclusive, the Commission considers that no specific labelling requirements concerning the potential of Acheta domesticus to cause primary sensitization should be included in the Union list of authorised novel foods.
Oh well, I'm sure it'll be fine.
Enjoy your bug bread, Europe!