Ever wonder the net worth of the the left's messianic figure and THE SCIENCE, Dr. Anthony Fauci? Well, it's a lot. Ready? During his time in as the nation's chief "health" dictator, Anthony Fauci was able to join the 8-figure club.
That's right, Fauci and his wife's net worth has just been revealed to be $11,000,000.
Fox Digital discovered the yuge number by getting their hands on Fauci's 2022 termination report, which included his finances through the end of last year.
According to OpenTheBooks CEO Adam Andrzejewski:
"During the pandemic years, the Fauci's became deca-millionaires with their household net worth exceeding $10 million. Last year was a tough year in the markets. However, Fauci's net worth is still up sharply from $7.6 million in 2019.
"Before his retirement last December, Fauci was the highest-paid federal employee ($480,654) and significantly outearned the president ($400,000). In retirement, we estimate that Fauci is collecting a federal pension, which rivals a presidential salary. It's the largest federal retirement package in history."
The largest federal retirement package in history.
Fauci, the nerd mini-tyrant who lied and BS'd and fumbled everything he could get his hands on during the pAnDeMiC, is retiring RICH-rich with a shiny golden parachute.