Fellas, listen to this man, and make sure your kids are protected
· Jun 14, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Alright guys, I want you to listen up, because right now in this world things are getting a little weird — you might say queer — and it's up to us as actual men to save it.

I'll show you this video and then afterwards I'll show you the interview he cites because of how important this is.

In text for those who can't listen:

"Convicted child offender Jack Reynolds did an interview where they asked him what sort of characteristics he looked for in a child before targeting them. And he said more important than the characteristics of the child he looked at the characteristics of the family. The first thing he mentioned was that if he perceived the father to be a threat he stayed away. Which tells us a few things, dads: One, you better be a threat. But two, you better be present enough in your child's life to where they know you're a threat.

"And I would say it tells us one more thing that's very interesting. There's a lot of people right now that seem Hell bent to have sexual conversations with our children without our knowledge. Those are the same people telling us that the very things that make you a threat are manifestations of toxic masculinity. So maybe we shouldn't listen to those people."


Yeah man, that's a big 10-4, not just from me, but from all my beautiful readers out there.

Reminds me of this 🔥 clip from Jordan Peterson:

And just so you don't think our man up top is embellishing about the child offender, here is the interview he is referring to:

Interviewer: "Were there certain characteristics that you looked for in children before molesting them?"

Reynolds: "In children yes, but more I also looked at their families. If I thought the father was a threat I would not approach the child."

Pretty straightforward right there.

Dads, we gotta step our game up in more ways than just one. We gotta do all the things our hearts know we're supposed to be doing as men.

We need to be MEN. Leaders, guiders, doers, teachers, providers, protectors.

And we need to teach our SONS to be men, too.

Or this world is lost.

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