This "pastor" claims a modern Sermon on the Mount would include a blessing for abortionists. I'm not joking. She really said that.
ยท Jun 20, 2024 ยท

Guys, I am calling for a complete and total shutdown of female pastors.

I mean, I would do that anyway, but this is a huge deal. A tremendous blasphemy.

Blessed are those who end pregnancies, for they will be known for their loving kindness.

The wokeness, the feminism, the progressivism, the disgusting euphemisms - the heresy and blasphemy.

PCUSA "Pastor" Rebecca Todd Peters has actually been talked about on our site previously for her pro-abortion stance.

The pro-abort pastor can't even utter the euphemism "abort" in her gross twisting of Scripture. She has to further hide the reality of the sin by saying "Blessed are those who end pregnancies."

Ending a pregnancy is simply a softer way to say "murder your child."

And she thinks it's a "loving kindness" to murder a child?

Last I checked, it's never kind to kill. I'm pretty sure that the Sermon on the Mount wasn't silent on abortion.

I'm pretty sure Jesus said something in that very sermon about how even THINKING of murdering or HATING someone is the equivalent of murder (Matthew 5:21-22).

You just witnessed the deepest depths of hell, ladies and gentlemen!

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