WATCH: Female Pastor Punts Holy Bible Across Stage For Super Bowl Sunday
· Feb 12, 2024 ·

Nope, this isn't The Babylon Bee!

(You just checked the URL to make sure, didn't you?)


That Protestia link references 2020 when talking about this story, so unless that was an editing error, I'm gonna assume we just found the reason Covid shut everything down two months after February 2020.

I'm thinking back to Numbers chapter 4 where God specifies which family will be in charge of covering the sacred items inside the tabernacle tent, which family will be responsible for carrying them, and which ones will be responsible for packing the tent itself. God was super specific about these things, and the penalty for slacking was instant death.

The Kohathites will come and carry them, but they are not to touch the holy objects or they will die.

A few millennia later, we've gone from that to women kicking God's Word across the stage for entertainment value.

... Progress?

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