Flock of sheep in Greece wander into medical-marijuana greenhouse, devour 600 pounds of Mary Jane
· Sep 25, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Man, I'd have loved to see the look on these sheep's faces after they ate all this weed.

Talk about having the munchies! These sheep were completely sober, however, when they decided to ditch the stormy, flooded countryside where they usually find their grass and headed to a nearby greenhouse, where an entirely different kind of "grass" was calling their name.

Relentless rain wreaked havoc across the central region, combining torrential downpours with landslides, crumbling roads and bridges, and crippling vital water supplies.

While looking to avoid flooding, the herd of sheep sought refuge in the greenhouse and simultaneously helped themselves to over 600 pounds of cannabis crops.

600 pounds of cannabis!

These sheep broke into a greenhouse and ate 600 pounds of weed!

Man, these sheep must've been high out of their gourds!

Funny thing, the shepherd of this flock said that once the herb kicked in the sheep started acting all sorts of strange, including some of them "jumping higher than goats, which never happens."

As for the owner of the greenhouse who lost 600 pounds of product:

The owner of the greenhouse told the local TheNewspaper.gr website: "I don't know if it's for laughing or crying. We had the heatwave, and we lost a lot of production. We had the floods, we lost almost everything. And now this... The herd entered the greenhouse and ate what was left. I don't know what to say, honestly."

A rough year for Greek marijuana farmers, yeesh!

But at least the sheep were having fun!

Now all they need is 600 pounds of Cool Ranch Doritos.

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