Hillary Clinton warns election-interference deniers that Putin will interfere with the 2024 election and if we're not careful Donald Trump could win the presidency
· Sep 25, 2023 · NottheBee.com

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is at it again, folks; she's here to tell us all that our elections are not secure (except in 2020) and that at any point Russia could interfere with them and make it so a Republican wins the White House.

She's serious, folks. Take her seriously.

"The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!"

Yeah, I'm sure they are. And I'm sure they're the ones forcing Joe Biden to fall off his bike, wander aimlessly away from podiums, and explain to Jewish folks how he grew up in a synagogue. In fact, it's probably Putin himself in a Biden suit doing all of those things right under our noses. How did we not notice?

Here's what the very sincere Hillary Clinton had to say in her interview with another very serious individual, Jen Psaki:

I don't think, despite all of the deniers, there is any doubt that he interfered in our election, or that he has interfered in many ways in the internal affairs of other countries, funding political parties, funding political candidates, buying off government officials in different places…

He hates democracy. He particularly hates the West and he especially hates us. And he has determined that he can do two things simultaneously: He can try to continue to damage and divide us internally, and he's quite good at it…and then trying to cease territory in such a brutal way to try to expand his reach…

Part of the reason he worked so hard against me is because he didn't think that he wanted me in the White House…

I fear that the Russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering and if he has a chance he'll do it again.

Yeah, I'm sure he will, Hillary. I'm sure he will. He stole an election from you (are we allowed to say that now?) and he'll steal another from Joe Biden in just over a year.

Glad we're back to election denying like it's no big deal. I'm sure you and the rest of your election-denying peers will be just fine in the eyes of the law once Joe Biden loses and your BLM activists are destroying cities again. No 10-year sentences for Democrats!

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