Florida Atlantic University student takes a bath during class and the professor says he can continue but to "just be quiet"
ยท Jan 30, 2024 ยท NottheBee.com

Okay, it looks like this was a prank, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it still tells us a lot about what's going on in our public universities.

This kid, during a lecture at Florida Atlantic University โ€” a university where kids pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend โ€” interrupted class by taking a bath while singing some light R&B music. And while this is quite hilarious, it's crazy to me that the professor just allows it to happen and makes absolutely zero effort to stop it.

[Warning: Language]

"You can shower as much as you want just be quiet. No singing in the shower."

Who's running the show here, lady? Cuz it sure ain't you!

Though I'm sure you were giving a lecture on Diversity, 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, or Mark Cuban's hiring practices, so maybe this kid had good reason to interrupt.

Either way, it's plain to see that Florida Atlantic University is a joke of a school and anyone in their right mind would do their best to avoid it. In fact, why even go to college these days in the first place unless your career requires it?

Such a shame that this is what higher education has come to.

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