Florida Dem says DeSantis allowing citizens to carry weapons without government regulation is "fascism"
· Feb 8, 2023 · NottheBee.com

According to one Florida Dem, the new definition of fascism is a government protecting the constitutional rights of Americans and allowing them to bear arms.

Joy Reid: The state where both of you live is thinking about going permit-less carry, essentially expanding people's ability to carry a firearm without even training, with very little in the way of a background check. What is happening?

Representative Frost: Well, what we're seeing in Florida is scary, and I'm blunt about it: It's fascism.

Yes, you know, the classic fascist handbook move of making it easier for the citizenry to possess firearms to defend themselves from criminals and tyrants.

That's such a fascist, and totalitarian move!

Yeah, maybe I'm way off base here, but isn't it normal for the fascists to be the ones taking away people's guns? Isn't that, like, exactly what every single totalitarian government for all time has always done?

Meanwhile, DeSantis isn't afraid of insane Democrats inaccurately labeling him as a fascist for arming the citizenry.

The Democrats want to make Constitutional Carry a boogeyman, claiming that it's radical.

However, it is now the norm in the US. If Florida passes this bill it will be the 26th state to adopt this constitutional protection of firearms.

The real fascists are the gun grabbers.

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