My recent respect for Florida has grown approximately 1,405% for five reasons:
- Respecting liberty.
- Having a transparent election process.
- Gov. Ron DeSantis.
- Following actual science instead of sCiEnCe.
- Punching gators to save dogs.
Florida has, without a doubt, proven its toughness in the last year.

I may have another reason to add this year, however: having the stones to host the postponed 2020 Olympics this summer because host nation Japan is terrified of Rona.
Florida's chief financial officer Jimmy Patronis wrote a letter to the International Olympic Committee President to say the state would gladly host if Japan chickens out.
"With media reports of leaders in Japan 'privately' concluding that they are too concerned about the pandemic for the 2021 Olympics to take place, there is still time to deploy a site selection team to Florida to meet with statewide and local officials on holding the Olympics in the Sunshine State," said Patronis. "I would welcome the opportunity to pitch Florida and help you make the right contacts to get this done."
Patronis also dealt a direct uppercut to leftist governors like Cuomo and Newsom by discussing Florida's willingness to use the power of the private sector instead of channeling everything through the bureaucratic swamp:
"Unlike other states, when the COVID-19 vaccine comes to Florida it doesn't just sit on the shelf wrapped in government red tape; it moves fast to protect our communities."
There's nothing to indicate that this proposal will happen, but what a baller move nonetheless.
You go, Florida!