Florida teacher under investigation for showing LGBT-themed Disney movie fires back at “ignorant” parents, says parental “rights are gone when your child is in the public school system.” 🤨
· May 17, 2023 · NottheBee.com

This woke teacher just accidentally made the best case for homeschooling that I have ever seen.

Remember this story about Jenna Barbee, the elementary school teacher in Florida who showed kids a Disney movie with gay characters to teach about the "environment"?

Well, yesterday, this woman went on the Lemon-less CNN morning show and disclosed some really evil crap.

She defended herself by calling parents ignorant and saying they have NO rights over their kids inside a public school.

First off, she says that DeSantis's efforts to purge classrooms of woke Marxism in the forms of radical gender theory and critical race theory is "ruining EVERYTHING" and that it's "not what America stands for."

Because we know that America is ALL about grooming kids and training them up to be a new radical, woke Red Guard.

The school board member and mom who brought this complaint said in a recent school board meeting that showing movies like the one featuring a gay storyline is a tool used for teachers to start conversations about sex that are inappropriate for classrooms.

Barbee then responds by calling the school board member and concerned mom "ignorant" and chides her with this VERY revealing response.

These convesrations, these doors, they're open. These students have 1-to-1 devices. The amount of things that they're able to pull up that we have to shut down...

Man, this is SUCH a good advertisement for homeschooling.

Barbee says SHE'S not opening doors to discussions of sex because these kids on their tablets and iPhones are all totally exposed to that crap and are exposing one another to it as well.

So it's no big deal if she shows a movie with gay stuff in it. Kids in public schools have already been robbed of their innocence.

Then, to rub salt into the wound of parents in public schools, she says this:

Those rights are GONE when your child is in the public school system because there are students talking about these things. It's where they get 90% of their socialization for the day and we can't shut down every conversation every child has.

She's going to keep showing gay stories to your kids because she thinks you have NO rights over your kids in school.

We can't expect laws like those in Florida to work until we see activist teachers like this face real consequences.

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