This psycho beat up a woman and tried to throw her into traffic on a Los Angeles freeway
· Aug 21, 2024 ·

Sadly, this is a pretty normal day for Los Angeles:

[Warning: Violence]

The suspect brutally beat, punched, and stomped on the victim before trying to throw her into traffic on the 210 Freeway. ...

The victim may face long-term disfigurement and had to return to the hospital due to infection in some of her injuries

The attack also left her with several broken bones, heavy bruises, and deep lacerations requiring stitches.

Prosecutors in Los Angeles have charged the assailant, 32-year-old Juan Pablo Flores, with attempted murder:

On August 7, at approximately 5:30 a.m., Flores allegedly attacked the victim who was at the Allen Metro station on the A Line (formerly the Gold Line), in the city of Pasadena. Flores allegedly assaulted and threw the victim onto the train tracks and then onto the carpool lane of the nearby 210 Freeway. ...

If convicted as charged, Flores faces a maximum sentence of life in prison.

It being Los Angeles, you will not be surprised to learn that Mr. Flores had been arrested multiple times by police prior to the August assault:

Don't worry though, while Los Angeles is busy letting repeat offenders walk free before nearly committing murder on the highway, they're investing $600,000 per apartment into city homeless housing:

Nice to see a city with its priorities so impeccably straight!

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