A Russian company called Prekated Academy is offering a "full immersion" funeral service in St. Petersburg. For 3,545,000 Russian Rubles ($57,800), customers can be buried alive in a coffin for up to an hour.
Prekated Academy founder Yakaterina Preobrazhenskaya says that after the service, her team will help you with your "fears and anxieties."
Why not help you with those before being buried alive?

Before you are buried they will give you a proper funeral too; complete with a religious ceremony just in case things don't go as planned.
However, Preobrazhenskaya assures that being buried alive in a coffin is perfectly safe.
We do not intend to expose our clients to undue risk. Scientists have calculated that the buried person will have enough air in the coffin for about five and a half hours.
The package also claims to be a "true symbol of fighting for yourself and your own happy future" and promises a renewal of your "desire to live: an all-around revived awareness of your mission."
Now, if your mission is to never be buried alive in a coffin, then the company also offers an online burial for $15,000 with appropriate music and candles. Plus, you can write a will for those you are virtually leaving behind.
Whew! I feel like we dodged a bullet thanks to that last option. Who wants to buried alive in a box?

Of course, if you'd like the cheap option of this therapy; there's always Bob Newhart's version: