What did the bison say before he gored a tourist?
"Bye, son!"
Or, if he could talk, I'm sure that's what this bison in Yellowstone would have said before he reared back and plunged his horn into a Colorado man on vacation.
According to the Washington Post, a Colorado man was the second person to be gored by a Bison in Yellowstone national park in a month.
A Colorado man visiting Yellowstone National Park was gored by a bison at Old Faithful this week in the second attack of its kind in the past month, park officials said.
The 34-year-old from Colorado Springs, whose name the National Park Service has not released, was walking with his family on a boardwalk near Giant Geyser on Monday when a bull bison charged the group, according to a news release.
"Family members did not leave the area, and the bull bison continued to charge and gored the male," the Park Service said.
The man suffered an arm injury and was taken to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center, the hospital for Yellowstone.
Here's the video (it's graphic but from a distance):
Holy heck I'm glad that kid wasn't hurt!!!
It sounds like this guy could have taken a lesson from our favorite reporter who knew exactly what to do when he saw bison headed his way.
Less than a month ago, a 25-year-old woman from Grove City, Ohio, was gored by a bison and thrown 10 feet into the air on Memorial Day after she got too close to the animal. While on a boardwalk at Black Sand Basin, the woman approached within 10 feet of the animal, park officials said. Two other people also were within 25 yards of the bison, the Park Service said in a news release.
When the woman approached the bison at the boardwalk west of the Old Faithful geyser, the animal charged her.
Wild animals are wild! Leave them alone, and if one weighing 2,000 pounds with horns charges at you, RUN!
P.S. Now check out our latest video π