Ford is currently working on a patent for camera system that would narc on speeders and send photos to police
· Aug 1, 2024 ·

Good news for all you narcs out there: Ford is currently working on a patent that would use your vehicle's camera system to report speeding drivers.

Welp, I guess I'll be keeping an eye out for Fords from now on.

The Ford Motor Company is attempting to patent a camera system that reports speeding vehicles to authorities.

According to WXIN, a patent application was filed by Ford titled ‘Systems and Methods for Detecting Speeding Violations.' The application was published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on July 18, per the station.

Bro, narcing on people is so in right now!

Here's how the narcing system would work:

When an equipped automobile detects a nearby vehicle is traveling over the posted speed limit, it will use onboard cameras to capture an image of the speeder.

The equipped vehicle will then be able to send a report containing both speed data and pictures of the speeding vehicle directly to law enforcement or roadside monitoring units.

Car Scoops reported that authorities will also receive GSP location data.

Ford said in its application that the surveillance vehicles would make law enforcement's job easier because they wouldn't need to quickly identify violations and engage in pursuits, per WXIN.

Ford added that some of the work could be delegated to self-driving vehicles, which could also be equipped to detect speeders.

Yeah, good luck charging me with speeding when you weren't even there to witness me speeding, Mr. officer.

And thanks a lot for this new patent, Ford.

We're all super excited for it!

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