I don't know anyone alive who can't see exactly what's happening here.
Former ESPN anchor Sage Steele:
I was told, 'You will say every word that we write out. You will not deviate from this script, and go!'
To the word, like, every single question was scripted and gone over dozen of times by many ... editors and executives. Absolutely, I was on script and was told not to deviate. I was told this is what you will ask, you will say it, no followups, next ...
This went up to the 'fourth floor' as we said, where all the bosses, the top executives, the decision makers are. The President of our company, the CEO, where they all worked.
Think about this every time you see someone point to any interview with Biden as evidence that he's "still got it."
Everything is 100% scripted if it's live. And if it isn't live, then it has been edited to absolute pieces and jigsaw puzzled back together to give the illusion of coherence.
Steele has a lot more compassion than I do. But I see her point.
I think it's really heartbreaking that the people who really love Joe Biden and say they actually care about him ...
"The people who really love Joe Biden":
... have allowed it to get to this point...
This is the human side of it, and when someone is struggling do we allow them to continue to be in the spotlight and put him out there in the first place when they knew there were issues? Of course they had to know. It's a humanity thing to me ... Do you really care about that person?

No one seems to care for the human Joe Biden.
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