You hate to see stuff like this happen at your local YMCA, but you gotta love it when a big man like Braylon Edwards steps in and saves a life.
The incident happened on Friday when Edwards walked into the Farmington (MI) YMCA locker room after a workout. He heard a few guys arguing a few rows over concerning the volume level of some music that was being played in the dressing space. This quickly led to pushing and shoving.
"You know what fighting sounds like," Edwards said in an interview. "Start to hear some tussling, start to hear some fists, then once I heard a thud, that's what got me up."
And when Edwards came to the scene of the fight he saw a 25-year-old man beating up an 80-year-old. Yes, an 80-year-old.
I see the guy … he grabs the back of the victim's head by the hair and he was about to slam it down on the counter. I grabbed him, subdued him.
And in the process, saved the life of an 80-year-old man, who would've likely been murdered right there in the YMCA locker room had it not been for Edwards' presence.
I mean…

The 25-year-old, who initially fled the scene on foot, has since been arrested. Cheers to Braylon Edwards for stepping up and making a big play to save this elderly man's life.
And may the punishment for this worthless criminal who tried to kill an elderly man fit the crime. And by crime I mean he tried to kill a guy.
All over some music.

What's the world come to when someone almost dies during an argument over music?
Here's Edwards being interviewed by the local news:
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