STORY OF THE DAY: Leaked files from top gender-medicine organization expose serious ethics violations, deaths from "treatments," other horrors

Harris Rigby

Mar 5, 2024

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is the professional organization that leads the way in forming gender-identity policy for governments, hospitals, and organizations, particularly when it comes to kids.

This group is the "scientific" wing of the trans movement that gives the facade of credibility to the science. It is the organization that will be cited when you take your anxious daughter to the doctor, he immediately diagnoses gender dysphoria, then calls CPS on you because you don't want a shrink to prescribe hormones and a mastectomy for your child.

CPS will then kick down your door, take your child, put her in a facility, issue a gag order against you, demand you call her by male pronouns, and arrest you if you don't comply.

And all of this will happen in red states like Montana.

Michael Shellenberger and his team released an unbelievably important report in exposing the transgender zeitgeist, with internal files from WPATH that show troubling, if not outright criminal activity (full report here).

Let me break some of it down for you as best I can. You'll need some coffee for this one but if there's one story you read today, make it this one, especially if you have kids.

Here Shellenberger explains what his team is doing:

The crux of Shellenberger's investigation is that WPATH is all about manufacturing consent from minors and teaching professionals how to practice on "trans" kids even though they know there is no way children can consent to transgender treatments like puberty blockers and surgery.

WPATH's internal files, which include written discussions and a video, reveal that its members know they are creating victims and not getting "informed consent."

Victims include a 10-year-old girl, a 13-year-old developmentally delayed adolescent, and individuals suffering from schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses.

The injuries described in the WPATH Files include sterilization, loss of sexual function, liver tumors, and death.

So, that's what we're dealing with at WPATH. Let's dive into the evidence.


In this video, WPATH admits that what they're doing is trying to explain trans treatment to kids who they know cannot comprehend the consequences.

This is from an internal WPATH meeting.

The report goes on to document particular cases where adverse effects, often unforeseen even by the doctors, were documented.

Examples like masses developing on the liver from hormone treatment, stunted growth, and surgical complications.

All of these involve minors who didn't understand any of these possibilities.

Despite the widespread and growing expression of concern within the WPATH Files over the negative side effects of gender medicine, WPATH members urge that irreversible surgeries take place when adolescents are just 16 or 17 years old.

Again, medical and political authorities are using WPATH's guidance to justify paying for sex-change surgeries for kids in the US.

This is the group the Biden Admin cites when using your taxes to trans the kids.

Let's continue.


Most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really really really talk about it in a serious way. That's always bothered me, but you know, we also want the kids to be happier in the moment, right?

This is medical malpractice, isn't it? I mean, he says essentially, "Yeah, the kids can't comprehend what we're talking about. And that sort of bothers me. But we'll push forward anyway because we think that's what's best for the kid."

This is evil stuff. He says it "bothers" him, but if it really bothered anyone there they would NOT recommend these treatments. All they're saying is that they know it's unethical, but they've got their reasons to forget ethics.

Which brings me to the next point:

Even parents don't know what's happening!


And yet, doctors are still doing these surgeries. They don't in any way say, "Therefore, we need to stop these treatments." It's just whatever the customer wants. Forget "do no harm."


They even talk about people harmed by their recommendations into adulthood. And do so in the worst and most dehumanizing way.

These are people who were sterilized at a young age and they were told they didn't need a family when they grew up. They could just have a dog or something.

Absolutely heartless.

This reminds me of Chloe Cole's painful testimony, which is a must-watch.

The documents show that along with sterilization, there's a complete loss of sexual pleasure with trans surgeries and that kids have died from hormone treatments as well.

Maybe doctors shouldn't be taking advice from WPATH, which includes people with castration and child-abuse sex fetishes.

Just a thought.


The next section of the report details how the WPATH folks routinely ignore signs of mental illness and green-light transgender treatment as if it will fix other mental disorders.

Repeatedly throughout the WPATH Files, we see gender medicine practitioners waive away evidence that mental illnesses and psychiatric disorders have been misdiagnosed as gender dysphoria.

The WPATH Files are a picture of people single-mindedly committed to the hammer of gender medicine and thus seeing every patient who comes to them as a nail.

Eating disorders, suicidal tendencies, schizophrenia, dissociative disorders, and many other legitimate mental illnesses are often experienced by those who claim to be "transgender." Yet the only therapy for transgenderism is affirmation.

People can be going through a battle with schizophrenia and still receive trans surgery.


The final section of the Environmental Progress report is about the ethics of WPATH.

Frequently, WPATH members push back against "gatekeeping," including the requirement for sound mental health before undergoing a lifelong regime of drugs and surgery.

The concerns of de-transitioners are derided and dismissed. There's no responsibility taken in most cases for the regret of those who were given trans treatments.

Marci Bowers, President of WPATH (and an individual who featured prominently in Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" documentary), had this to say about the de-trans issue.

WPATH will recommend all these surgeries, but if someone regrets it, they won't take any of the responsibility for their actions.

"Ongoing care" means that after they've manufactured your consent they'll continue to talk to you and encourage you that you've made the right choice.

There is an acknowledgment of how unethical current practices are, but that doesn't seem to have slowed down the insistence on trans surgery and hormone treatment being proper medical care.

The entire report is 242 pages long. There is A LOT of documentation showing how unethical WPATH is.

Since WPATH is THE primary group that influences and provides guidelines for US policy, this report will hopefully discredit them and keep the "if it saves just one life" clowns from being able to point to them as the fount of wisdom.

Beyond that, it opens up the possibility for legal action. You thought the doctors mutilating the kids are making a profit? Wait until you see the lawyers who see the money that can be had by suing those doctors into oblivion!

Share this far and wide. Every parent should read it. Our children's lives depend on taking down the juggernaut.

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