Guys, it's hard to describe the lack of self-awareness here, so I'm not even going to try.
Here's Jen Psaki, former Biden mouthpiece and current MSNBC commentator (same job, different title) explaining how out-of-touch and out there Republicans are:
The Republican Party has moved in a direction that's out-of-touch with the American electorate... The challenge here is that the positions that the core candidates and leaders of the Republican Party have on issues that the public care about... all of these crazy whack-a-doo cultural debates about gay marriage... it's out of touch with the public and that is a core problem for the party.
Jen Psaki wouldn't be able to define the word "woman" if you asked her, but she thinks Republicans are "whack-a-doo" for fighting the culture war.
Republicans, generally, think it shouldn't be okay to murder children at nine months in the womb, and some have legitimate concerns about how Obergefell has affected the nation, and they are whack-a-doo.
Republicans don't want boys in girls' locker rooms and they want to protect women, so they're out of touch.
Meanwhile, Dems think anyone can be whatever gender they decide, they think kids should be killed at nine months of pregnancy, even outside the womb, and that kids need to be taught about gender politics in the classroom.
You sure about that Jen?
Maybe have a margarita and go to your kickboxing class and get back to me?
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇