Color me legitimately perplexed on this one:
Hotel entrepreneur Robert Bigelow, the biggest individual donor to a group supporting Ron DeSantis' presidential bid, told Reuters on Friday he will not donate more money unless the Florida governor attracts new major donors and adopts a more moderate approach.
Bigelow dropped $20 million on the main DeSantis Super PAC. He's a big-time donor with deep pockets. Losing him would not be good for the campaign.
So what's his big objection with Heavy D?
When asked which specific policies Bigelow did not support, Bigelow cited only DeSantis signing in April a bill passed by the Florida legislature banning abortions after six weeks, a move that came after Bigelow had donated the $20 million.

So you're telling me that this bigwig has been plunking down tens of millions of dollars for arguably the most proactively, successfully conservative Republican candidate in a generation or two, and he draws the line at an absolute winner of a pro-life law?
Well, people are funny. It might be that Mr. Bigelow enjoys every other smashing accomplishment of the DeSantis administration except the one that will save the lives of many tens of thousands of babies. Everyone's got weird priorities every now and then.
And this one is, you know, pretty weird:
"Extremism isn't going to get you elected," Bigelow said in an interview[.]
Is a terrific pro-life law "extremism?" I guess to some people it is.
To the rest of us it's, you know, pretty normal stuff.