Two gunman murdered another white South African farmer and shot his wife while their two daughters watched. This is what MSNBC is laughing at.
· Aug 8, 2023 ·

Another day, another white farmer murdered in front of his family in the name of equity.

From the Sunday Times in South Africa:

Police spokesperson Col Dimakatso Nevhuhulwi said the gunmen did not take anything from the home.

"It is reported that a family of four, comprising the father, mother and two daughters were attacked at their home at Randridge Plot, Randfontein. The father was fatally shot while the mother sustained a gunshot wound and the daughters escaped unharmed."

You'll note that the report doesn't include the color of the attackers' skin, which tells me the color of the attackers' skin. Prove me wrong.

The South African reports that farm attacks have "surged" since the "Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer" song that went viral a week ago.

According to TAU SA, 35 farm murders have already been committed in the first seven months of this year. Many people have also been seriously injured and tortured. This is in comparison to last year's 24 murders in the same period.

Kill the Kulaks: South Africa Edition.

Oh, they aren't just lacking in condemnation. They are laughing about it over at MSNBC:

And The New York Times is brushing it off as mostly peaceful calls to genocide:

Just a reminder that however negatively you feel about the media, you aren't disgusted enough.

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