You guys, liberals will get triggered over anything these days and this most recent example out of Washington, D.C. is just one of my favorites.
Leftists over at George Washington University have, over the past few years, whined and complained their way into getting the university to change its terribly offensive moniker: The Colonials.
You can see why that's offensive, right, the word "colonial"?
See, Europeans came here and set up outposts and stuff; they brought America from the dark ages all the way to the modern age in less than 100 years. And that's bad, okay. Very bad.
But do you know what's worse? When America first started and it was a British colony they called the folks over here colonials, right, because it was a European colony. Seriously getting goosebumps right now just thinking about it. Anyhow, yeah, the word "colonialist" is super offensive and that's why George Washington University β that's a university named after a colonizer, by the way β they've finally, after so much hard work and dedication by leftist on campus, ditched the Colonials nickname.
George Washington University changed its "Colonials" moniker to "Revolutionaries" after facing scrutiny from students who deemed the school's mascot as offensive.
NBC anchor and alumnus Chuck Todd helped reveal the new name Wednesday, scrapping the former centuries-old Colonials name the school was under since 1926.
The school committee received 8,000 suggestions and 47,000 points of feedback, narrowing it all down to the final 10 names that best fit, the school said in a press release.
George Washington was pressured to come up with a plan to dispel the Colonials' name in 2018.
And now I must show you Chuck Todd covering this story, because he looks like a kid at a parade and it makes me really happy for some strange reason.
Dude's ecstatic!
Anyhow, moving on:
More than 530 students objected to the "extremely offensive" Colonials moniker and claimed it "has too deep a connection colonization and glorifies the act of systemic oppression."
The school, based in Washington, D.C., will implement the new name during the 2023-24 academic year.
"This is an exciting day for the George Washington University Revolutionaries," President Mark S. Wrighton said.
Okay guys, serious question: How long you think it'll be before they have to change this new moniker, or even ditch the name "George Washington" altogether?
Because y'all know that's what's coming. I mean, weren't those J6 insurrectionists sort of revolutionaries? Just sayin.
Either way, I'm over this type of stuff. And not in a bad way or anything; it just sort of intrigues me now.
Like, the percentage of students who complained here, assuming the university enrolled around 21,000, is below 3%, or 2.5% to be exact. And I bet if you polled everyday Americans on this issue of the term "colonials" being offensive that number would fall far below 1%. So we're catering to a tiny fraction of our population here, which will eventually lead to normies kinda just leaving leftist institutions like this behind and finding a better alternative.
And to that I say let it burn.
Keep doing what you're doing, lefties.
Cuz it's working.