Another election, another Russian scare.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger confirmed Tuesday a bomb threat was made against a polling place, but he said it was of Russian origin and not credible. Raffensperger later clarified in a subsequent press conference that the threat affected between five and seven precincts in multiple Georgia counties.
'In the interest of public safety, you always check that out,' Raffensperger said.
'They're up to mischief it seems,' he added, about the Russians. 'They don't want us to have a smooth, fair and accurate election.'
Raffensperger doesn't seem to think this is a legitimate concern, but I am so dang tired of hearing about the Russians every election.
Then there's this dude:
From WMAZ:
A Georgia poll worker was arrested on Monday for making a fake bomb threat to Jones County poll workers, according to a press release from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Georgia.
They say Nicholas Wimbish, a 25-year-old from Milledgeville, faces a maximum of 25 years in prison for mailing in a bomb threat, lying about it and making false statements to the FBI.
The guy lied to the FBI when he was asked about it??
Digging that hole deeper, my man.
Per the report, Wimbish was working as a poll worker at the Jones County Elections Office on Oct. 16 when he got into a verbal argument with a voter. The next day, Wimbish mailed a letter to the Jones County Elections Superintendent 'from a Jones County Voter.'
Wimbish was reportedly trying to frame the other guy.
They also say the letter threatened poll workers with physical and sexual violence, including that the alleged writer of the letter knew where the poll workers lived and had personal information about them.
The letter ended by saying 'PS boom toy in early vote place, cigar burning, be safe,' according to the report.
I'd be VERY surprised if this dude has ever touched a MAGA hat.
In case any of your liberal friends say this guy is a Republican:
The Russians are trolling, the Republicans are trying to keep order, and the Democracy™ folks are threatening rape and murder.
Some things never change!
P.S. Now check out our latest video 👇