Aliagender? Boi? Demiboy? Feminine of Center? Graygender? Maverick? Novigender? Polygender?
I mean I could've re-listed every single one of them but those are just the ones that really jumped off the page.
Are they just making up words now that aren't yet words and calling them genders?
New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development asked students to identify as one of at least 30 genders in a survey to "help build a more affirming environment."
"This survey was designed by my office to understand everyone's experiences and sense of belonging at the school," said Director of Equity Initiatives Maria Ramirez in a Facebook video. "The survey is completely confidential, and we'll be using the data to inform our equity work in hopes of making Steinhardt a better place for everyone, especially our more vulnerable peers."