When your smart home becomes instantly stupid.
That's what happened to a whole bunch of Google users on Monday when the tech giant experienced a worldwide outage for about an hour. Literally, ALL of Google's services like Gmail, YouTube, Google Docs, and even Google Classroom were down for the count until about 8:00 am Eastern Time.

This was what users were greeted with who visited Google's status page.
Early in the outage, YouTube put out this statement via Twitter.
YouTube being offline is a minor annoyance (so you can't watch Jake Paul videos for a little bit), but as the folks at TechCrunch noted when a major service provider like Google goes down, it's kind of an ominous reminder of just how dependent we are on them.
"It's also an alarming reminder of just how far Google reaches, and how many of our services — productivity, entertainment, and home/utility — are tied up with a single, proprietary provider."
And that's just when they go down by accident. Imagine if they decided to engage in an ideological war against Wrongthink, suppressing information that goes against the approved narrative or denying services to people who are deemed out of step with the zeitgeist.
But that could never happen, right? 😬

Moving on...
There were some pretty funny things that happened to people with Google-dependant smart homes, though.
Like this guy who Google left in the dark.
And this guy who had the opposite problem.
Truly tragic.
These people had to put a "Please knock because Google is down" sign on their "smart" doorbell.
But seriously, it is alarming that we have willingly handed over so much control to one company. Thankfully, it was a brief outage. But for one full hour, people could not access their email, use their doorbells, navigate with GPS, turn on their lights, access their files, or even play Pokémon Go.
That seems like a lot of power for one company.